Our expertise within the aerospace and defense industry is internationally recognized. We have over 25 years experience working throughout the United States Department of Defense and all major aerospace sector contractors including AIRBUS, GD, Allied-Signal, Tektronix, Hughes Aircraft, McDonnell Douglas, Boeing and Northrup Grumman. In addition to our strategic domestic partnerships we work collaboratively with our international partners on various NATO related aerospace and defense projects throughout Europe and the EU.
The domains in which we provide advanced technologies and solutions to are air, land, sea, space and cyber. Our operations and management services within these domains include Aerospace Performance Improvements on DoD Systems, Systems Design Engineering / HW-SW / Components to SubSystems and Systems of Systems, Intelligent Supply-Chain Operations, Global Manufacturing, Product Development and Lean Manufacturing.
Our engineering services and advanced solutions include design and development of tactical radar systems, remote piloted aircraft or UAVs, high-resolution satellite operated surveillance systems, multi-satellite arrays, artificial intelligence, blockchain systems, domain security, embedded systems, ISR / C4I / C6I and Core Kernal Neuro-Nets.
We also provide research and development on strategic emerging technologies like Bio-Tech NanoSensors and Nano-BOTs as well as Synthetic Microbiome SKIN Defense materials. This includes proof of concept to breadboard prototyping and commercialization